Plant a Seed of Kindness image

Plant a Seed of Kindness

Help Cultivate the Garden & Watch Families Grow in Gratitude

$29,475 raised

$60,000 goal


San Diego is home to more than 3 million people across the County. With the divorce rate remaining steady at about 50%, there are thousands of children and families affected. Whether divorced or not, Kids’ Turn San Diego also understands that the pandemic introduced more children to social isolation, parents to partner conflict related to confinement, and other stressors.

In response to the challenges we see in our community, KTSD continues to offer and grow our programming for children and families.

We successfully received grant funding to create a program for First Responder Families, a population that is highly impacted by family separation with few resources available. Family First for First Responder Families provides classes and couples and/or individual sessions for First Responder parents to overcome the challenges of raising children in a First Responder home. Additional grants were also received to expand counseling services for children. All of our programs continue to empower children and heal families.

We are committed to our mission with a sense of purpose to meet the needs of families, the determination to serve, and continued gratitude for the opportunities to make a difference.

We welcome you to help cultivate the Garden of Gratitude today by sponsoring a child and their parents. Over 50% of all participants need financial support to access our life-transforming programs.

Your gift will plant a seed of kindness. Watch families grow in gratitude.