The year 2021 is a special year for Kids’ Turn San Diego, as it marks 25 years of providing workshops and counseling services for families experiencing separation or divorce. From our first family workshop in 1996, KTSD has grown and served over 16,000 parents and children, helping to create positive relationships and making families happier!
In San Diego County alone, over 100,000 children annually experience the divorce of their parents. When a family breaks up or is separated for any reason, children of all ages feel helpless, sad, frightened, guilty, and angry. Through our Family Workshops for Separated and Divorced Families, children learn how to express their feelings and thoughts about their family situation, so they worry less about adult problems and focus more on being a kid. Children also learn that the divorce is not their fault, freeing them up from self-blame.
The moment children walk or "zoom" into our programs, they realize that there are other kids just like them - living in divorced families or in two homes and they feel accepted. When children feel like they belong, they are more likely to have healthy peer relationships and to do well in school. Parents gain insight about their words, actions and behaviors and learn skills, strategies and techniques that promote effective co-parenting relationships.
Through our Family Workshops, Kids' Turn San Diego changes family relationships in positive ways so children are happier.
As Kid's Turn San Diego continues to grow in the number we serve, so does our need for financial support. We anticipate that the number of families we support over the next 25 years will triple from that of what we have served today. As more than 50% of our attendees require financial assistance, we are relying on YOU to help support our programs. Make a meaningful gift today and help support thousands of new families!
With your gift of sponsorship, children and parents will attend the Family Workshop program and feel empowered to strengthen family relationships in positive ways!