Join Our Path of Inspiration
$36,831 raised
$60,000 goal
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In San Diego County alone, over 100,000 children annually experience the divorce of their parents. When a family breaks up or is separated for any reason, children of all ages feel helpless, sad, frightened, guilty, and angry. That's where Kids' Turn San Diego comes in. We provide a continuum of care that includes our Family Workshops for Separated and Divorced Families, a co-parenting program for parents and their children ages 5-17, Counseling for Children, an advanced refresher class called “Continue the Conversation” for Family Workshop parent graduates and/or their new spouses and Cooperative Co-Parenting, a program for parents in high conflict relationships to learn ways to manage emotional triggers and to avoid them all together. We believe children deserve the best of their parents and that children deserve to live in happy homes.
The moment children walk into our programs, they realize that there are other kids just like them - living in divorced families or in two homes and they feel accepted. When children feel like they belong, they are more likely to have healthy peer relationships and to do well in school. Parents gain insight about their words, actions and behaviors and learn skills, strategies and techniques that promote effective co-parenting relationships. Join our Path of Inspiration by sponsoring a child and their parents. You will be a hero to that child and will have a direct impact on their future! Over 57% of parents that go through our programs require financial assistance to participate. Help secure bright futures for families today!