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Help Kids’ Turn San Diego Continue to Provide Crucial Programs

Support our families affected by the coronavirus pandemic

$14,020 raised

$20,000 goal

/ 150


The coronavirus pandemic is a type of family separation that we are all experiencing together

Young children are at home, high school students are missing their senior year, and college students have had to vacate campuses.

Many parents are working from home, trying to manage their jobs while keeping their children occupied, food in the house, and everyone virus-free.

Some parents go to work every day because their jobs are considered essential. These parents are doctors, nurses, restaurant staff, grocery store workers, and law enforcement — all putting themselves at risk of getting sick to ensure that we do not.

And even more parents are temporarily unemployed. Not knowing when you will receive your first unemployment check or how much the check will be is terrifying.

These times are stressful for everyone in some way or another, often leading to conflict.

Divorced families typically experience stress and conflict, and the coronavirus adds a whole new level. Families need our Family Workshop for Separated and Divorced Families now more than ever!

Our Family Workshop program shifted to virtual programming in mid-March, and we have been offering them 100% virtually every since. At Kids’ Turn San Diego, we are very proud to share that the coronavirus and working remotely has not stopped us! We are committed to assisting families as they transition through family separation and divorce.

We have devoted our time to serve. We quickly transitioned to virtual programming and will be implementing a series of classes to help parents manage COVID-19. We have incurred unexpected costs and are not pushing the cost onto our families. In fact, any parent who has been financially affected by COVID-19 can attend our Family Workshop Program for a deposit of only $50 with a promise to pay the balance when they return to their jobs.

As a non-profit organization, we need your help now. Your gift of any amount will help us keep our programs operational during the pandemic and during these challenging financial times for many of our families.

Make a gift today and BE A LIFESAVER! Your gift will help families attend the Family Workshop now without the worry of cost and ensure that Kids' Turn San Diego continues serving children and families well into the future. As lifeguards throw a ring into the water to save people, your gift is that ring for our families and our organization! Make a contribution today.